It is a response to a problem that is well identified in several studies: health professionals progressively become outdated and frequently lose awareness of the need to update; On the other hand, the thousands of scientific articles that appear every day in journals make it impossible for even the most diligent and motivated professional to be up to date. This makes the construction of an interface that facilitates continuous updating mandatory.
This interface will promote a team of credible health professionals (doctors, nurses, psychologists, etc.) and of good academic level, who will identify and produce synthetic contents in maternal and child health, based on scientific evidence (Cochran , etc.).
There will be a panel of objective and sentinel professionals who will also make a critical evaluation of the work produced, to adjust it as best as possible to your real needs.
The answers, formulated in FAQ format (Frequently Asked Questions) will be the content of a newsletter periodically, probably monthly, to be disseminated by email to health professionals. It is necessary to create a platform to send the periodic electronic bulletin to health professionals with scientific summaries (example of this type of training “push” is the project already existing in Brazil at and with whom we have scientific relations).
These bulletins, according to the language, may have different target audiences. This work, being distributed by several elements of the team and with the collaboration of specialized magazines, which refers to no more than ten topics per month, is perfectly possible. There are also services of specialized magazines that promote this type of communication (for example, the BMJ that in addition to the newsletter, includes an application) and on which we can base. It is even possible to ask the various scientific journals of the specialty to collaborate with us in exchange for the publicity inherent in their collaboration.
However, the construction of an interactive communication platform with health professionals also aims to create a bilingual network among all these professionals on both sides of the border that can bring up thematic interest groups. That is, associated with the platform, you can create discussion groups and groups with their own research projects without distinction of border and language.
The platform will allow to verify in an interactive way what the research and training needs of these professionals are.
In this activity, scientific meetings will be organized, foreseeing 1 in each Region, in a total of 5 meetings that an opportunity for health professionals to meet physically. In the end, the impact of this objective must be evaluated.
All final products will be for public use and property shared and shared by all beneficiaries.