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In this objective we intend to export the idea behind the program Open Window Family, which exists in Portugal ( and Andalusia ( with funding through POCTEP 2007- 2013
The idea, already developed through a platform that can be offered to partners, is to communicate with all families registered by email, SMS, social networks, video chats / webinars, to give an interactive service to help families throughout the cycle the parental life of these people.
The aim is to adapt the existing platform to the new demands derived from the greater use of smartphones, with the adaptation of language and communication, always producing a mobile version and an interactive application.
In Portugal, if it aims to integrate this software with other existing clinical platforms (e-Bulletin and Nascer User) and we want to improve these platforms, including the production of a mobile version and an app.
It is also expected to create new content that complements existing ones, possibly in new formats.
In the end, the impact of this objective must be evaluated through a research study.
• Action 1: Provide existing platform in regions that do not yet have similar solutions.
• Action 2: Adaptation of this platform, with the integration in an existing one and the production of a mobile version and an interactive application.
• Action 3: research study on the impact of this program.